The Legend of Yîara Amazon Mermaid
In honor of our Brazilian Amazon ingredients...today we will tell you the legend of Yîara, breath taking Tupi Guaraní mermaid who guards the river.

The Amazon river holds ancient power, mystery, and spirits who guard the sacred land…Among them is Yîara. A story of bravery, jealousy, and dangerous beauty.

Once a beautiful mortal woman and skilled warrior…Her bravery and leadership were unmatched, but her strength sparked jealousy. Betrayed by her own brothers, she fought back and survived... but it came at a cost.

Her elders, believing she had caused harm and dishonored their customs, cast her to the river... It was there that the water spirits recognized her purity of heart, and transformed her into a divine being of the water.

Now a mermaid, and still a beautiful warrior...she became the protector and fierce guardian of the Amazon river.
At dusk and through the night, She sings to lure those who disrespect the rivers into her depths... A symbol of dangerous beauty that ensures the balance is maintained.

Like the amazon river itself, she is both a nurturer and a force of vengeance.
She reminds us that the Amazon is beautiful & bountiful, but it also fights back. A reminder to respect and give reverance to nature’s duality, power and beauty...